
Posts Tagged ‘Daisy’

Green….Without Envy

In Event on April 29, 2010 at 9:20 am

Yesterday afternoon as I sat and pondered to myself what I’d do with my evening and toyed around on my phone, I caught wind of a Chartreuse event down at Little Miss Whiskeys on H street….behold the marvels of Sounded like a stellar opportunity to go out and try some awesome cocktails and ask a few questions, and it indeed was!

For those of you who’ve never tried chartreuse, yellow or green, you simply must, without question. These liqueurs are very unique and worth trying; I consider them an asset to any bar, as they are used for a myriad of classic cocktails and can be enjoyed neat as well. They add floral, herbal, complex, wonderful notes to any concoction they’re placed in. In addition to that, it’s excellent for playing Pass the Flame.